All Losses > Citizen Science Association

Citizen Science Association moves its 2017 convention out of Raleigh over HB2

May 26, 2016

The state of North Carolina reports another loss due to HB2. An increasing number of travel bans to the state over HB2 forced conference officials to move their CSA 2017 event out of Raleigh. Local officials estimated the move to cost $693,000 to the area. Losing this convention in Raleigh increases the negative economic impact of HB2 even further. Scheduled for the Raleigh Convention Center, the loss of this convention is an unfortunate side effect of the discriminatory bill.
"Our decision was based on our firm belief that our conferences ought to be held in locations and in ways that welcome all people into a safe space to discuss and advance the field of citizen science. "

- Greg Newman, CSA Board Chair View full statement
Losing the Citizen Science Association convention is just another painful reality for NC until HB2 is repealed.

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