All Losses > Association for Library Service to Children

Image via: American Libraries Magazine

The ALSC cancels their 2016 National Institute in Charlotte in protest of HB2

April 18, 2016

North Carolina bears the burden of more economic strain over HB2, the controversial "bathroom bill" law. The Association for Library Service to Children joined the growing collection of organizations rallying against HB2 by cancelling their conference in Charlotte. The ALSC released a statement that said HB2 is against their core values. Losing this conference in Charlotte increases the negative economic impact of HB2 even further. Scheduled for the Charlotte Marriott City Center, the loss of this conference is an unfortunate side effect of the discriminatory bill.
"The law contradicts the core values, purpose, and diversity work of ALSC and undermines civil rights and the fundamental principles upon which libraries are founded."

North Carolina continues to lose out from HB2; the loss of the Association for Library Service to Children conference just adds to the fallout.

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